Scientific Publications

  1. Dislocation-Free SiGe/Si Heterostructures
    Francesco Montalenti, Fabrizio Rovaris, Roberto Bergamaschini, Leo Miglio,
    Marco Salvalaglio, Giovanni Isella, Fabio Isa and Hans von Känel
    Crystals 2018, 8, 257; doi:10.3390/cryst8060257
  2. Growth kinetics and morphological analysis of homoepitaxial GaAs fins by theory and experiment
    Marco Albani, Lea Ghisalberti, Roberto Bergamaschini, Martin  Friedl, Marco Salvalaglio, Axel Voigt,
    Francesco Montalenti, Gozde Tutuncuoglu, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral and Leo Miglio
    Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 093404 (2018)