Alberto Tosi, working on the electronic design of microSPIRE detectors, was invited to give a lecture at ESSDERC 2018 tutorial “Autonomous driving: IC robusteness/reliability/readiness, sensing & mobility”. In his lesson “Towards single-photon counting LIDAR for automotive applications” he presented how single-photon detectors can be exploited for automotive LIDAR, a field where microSPIRE detectors will hopefully give a strong contribution.
Fabrizio Rovaris and Andrea Barzaghi, two Ph. D. students participating to the μSPIRE activities, have been awarded the prize for best oral presentation and poster at the ICSI/ISTDM 2018 conference!
The “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei” is one of the oldest scientific academies in the world being founded in 1603. μSPIRE use of plasma-enhanced epitaxy has been presented during the international congress “CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM PLASMAS:MATTER UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS” held in wonderful Palazzo Corsini in Rome on April 5-6.
The beauty and potentialities of epitaxial growth have been presented to high-school students Liceo Paolo Giovio and ITIS Magistri Cumacini. μSPIRE crystals raised the stirred up the curiosity of the participants (both teachers and students).
During his seminar at the Institute for Semiconductor Engineering – University of Stuttgart, Giovanni Isella presented the main objectives and challenges of μSPIRE.
During the national info-day organized by APRE (the Italian agency supporting participation to EU calls) μSPIRE was presented as a case story of a successful proposal. Indeed the support we got from APRE has been essential during the preparation of the proposal.